Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Matrimonial Website

Cub’s father has me log him into his email to see what the marriage broker has sent for the day. Have you heard of Check it out. I figure that if I don't get married in 2010 (mark your calendar) as the pundit has predicted, I still have a chance.

If you think online dating is odd, imagine online engagements. A picture can truly means a millions words - of bickering, fighting, children issues, bedroom issues, etc. I kid. I am not sure exactly how it works, but all I know is that they have a marriage broker for Cub. Every so often an email from the broker comes with a list of eligible bachelorettes. I was asked to look over the prospective wives and was unimpressed by the formatting and lack of real information. All we have to go on here is whether the girl is veg, non-veg, sometimes veg, what her parent’s and siblings do for a living, her degree, her birthday, height and photo. I’ve rejected guys based on screen names, and here we are choosing forever based on a few bits of information?

We go through contestant #1’s profile.
  1. She received a masters in home science. Not sure what this means, but it sounds like home economics to me. Richhpal tells me its like my degree and this reminds me of telling people I was a food science major and them asking me if that was like being a cook (I switched majors the following semester). He is happy about her degree. Someone who can help on the farm, he says. What he meant to say was someone to help in the kitchen.
  2. Her birthday does match up with Cub’s. She is NOT monglik, as is Cub (and myself). mongliks should marry mongliks. They tend to have marital problems that are negated when two marry each other. Anyway, this seems like the most important bit of information on the profile (assuming all contestants are Sihk and of are similar economic background), but its dismissed. I am shocked and point it out. “She’s not monglik! Shouldn’t you be looking for a monglik for Cub?” He shrugs.
  3. She is veg. We approve.
  4. She has 2 brothers. He approves.
  5. She is 5’6”. Richhpal calls out to his wife and Cub. Cub yells to his Dad to quit looking for him and that he’s not interested. He has his eye on another woman.
He tells me to open up the attachment. As it loads, Amrith reviews the profile. She nods, but I can tell from her reaction that they have been through this many times.

The picture opens and they both shake their head and get up. “Cub would NOT like her. Too dark and big features.”

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